Pearson Pension Plan
The Pearson Pension Plan (PPP) is a retirement savings scheme provided by Pearson, a global leader in publishing and education. The plan helps employees maximise their retirement savings.

The challenge
The PPP had low member engagement. Their branding was inconsistent and their website was confusing. Different suppliers were following their own rules leading to inconsistencies.

The Work
In collaboration with the PPP team, we launched a comprehensive rebranding initiative to revitalise the plan’s brand identity and communication strategy. We streamlined branding and introduced a unified imagery system, ensuring a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

The outcome
The rebranding significantly improved member engagement and interaction.
Website Traffic: Monthly visits increased from 200 to 6,000.
Email Engagement: Open rates rose from 30% to 70%, with a 300% increase in click-through rates.
Brand Consolidation: We streamlined the visual identity to ensure consistency across all platforms, eliminating confusion caused by previous multi-supplier designs.
Website Redesign: The plan’s website underwent an overhaul to enhance the user experience based on our recommendations.
Heritage Imagery: We introduced a “heritage” theme photo library. The images showcased different perspectives on life in the UK and celebrated its rich history. This helped create a sense of familiarity and trust.

List of deliverables
• Brand Guide
• Print and email templates
• Visual design strategy
• Ongoing support as designer
• Brand Custodian

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